How To Set Up Monthly Retainer Fees Using Amazon Allowance.

  1. Go to Give an Amazon Allowance.
  2. Choose a title for your allowance so you can easily manage it later.
  3. Enter the e-mail address the recipient of the allowance.
    • The allowance will be automatically linked to the Amazon account associated with the recipient's e-mail address provided during allowance creation.
  4. Select the amount, frequency, and start-date of the allowance.
  5. Provide payment information for the allowance.
  6. Click Create Allowance. After clicking Create Allowance, you'll receive an e-mail notification confirming the allowance creation. The allowance recipient will also receive an e-mail notification with the allowance details.

Once you have completed the process send me a message and let me know that you have set up your monthly retainer fees!

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